
Defense counsel fulfills an important role in upholding the constitutional right to representation entitled to all Americans.

This responsibility requires access to counsel who can provide representation, support services, and investigative resources. Effective representation requires appropriate resources and an understanding of the flow and timeline of cases through a jurisdiction and to defense providers. Measuring the caseload and capacity of defense is needed to inform policy and resource decisions.

Get to know the Defense metrics



1.1 Annual Budget – amount of annual budget of the office/program 

  1. Total agency budget (in dollars) 

Agency Customization: How does the office/program define the fiscal year? 

1.2 Total Staff number of full-time staff employed by the provider/program 

  1. Total number of full-time staff 
  2. Optional: Number of full-time attorneys 
  3. Optional: Number of full-time supervisors 
  4. Optional: Number of full-time administrative staff 
  5. Optional: Number of full-time support/expert staff 
  6. Optional: Number of full-time other (please specify) type staff 
  7. Optional: Number of full-time staff of unknown type 

Agency Customization: For managed assigned counsel programs and contract counsel programs, please include the number of attorneys who handle cases on behalf of or at the assignment of the provider. 

1.1 Annual Budget – amount of annual budget of the office/program 

  1. Total agency budget (in dollars) 

Agency Customization: How does the office/program define the fiscal year? 

1.2 Total Staff number of full-time staff employed by the provider/program 

  1. Total number of full-time staff 
  2. Optional: Number of full-time attorneys 
  3. Optional: Number of full-time supervisors 
  4. Optional: Number of full-time administrative staff 
  5. Optional: Number of full-time support/expert staff 
  6. Optional: Number of full-time other (please specify) type staff 
  7. Optional: Number of full-time staff of unknown type 

Agency Customization: For managed assigned counsel programs and contract counsel programs, please include the number of attorneys who handle cases on behalf of or at the assignment of the provider. 

2.1 Cases Appointed Counsel number of new cases appointed counsel to the office 

  1. Total number of new cases appointed counsel 
  2. Number of new felony cases appointed counsel 
  3. Number of new misdemeanor cases appointed counsel 
  4. Number of new cases appointed counsel with unknown case severity 

Agency Customization: How does the office/program define appointed? 

2.2 Caseloads average caseload per attorney in the office/program 

  1. Average caseload per attorney 
  2. Average felony caseload per attorney 
  3. Average misdemeanor caseload per attorney 
  4. Average caseload of unknown case type per attorney 

Agency Customization: Does your office/agency already calculate the average caseloads by type on a monthly basis? If so, please share the methodology. 

2.3 Cases Disposed number of cases disposed by the office/program 

  1. Total number of cases disposed 
  2. Optional: Number of cases dismissed 
  3. Optional: Number of cases diverted/deferred (at any stage) 
  4. Optional: Number of cases acquitted 
  5. Optional: Number of cases convicted in plea negotiation 
  6. Optional: Number of cases convicted at trial 
  7. Optional: Number of cases transferred out of the jurisdiction 
  8. Optional: Number of cases disposed by another (please specify) method 
  9. Optional: Number of cases disposed by an unknown method 

Agency Customization: How does your office/agency define a disposition? Does the office/agency case management system overwrite initial dispositions with subsequent post-conviction decisions? 

There is not an Operations and Dynamics metric for Defense. 

There is not a Public Safety metric for Defense.

5.1 Cases Disposed by Race or Ethnicity number of cases disposed involving a defendant of a certain race or ethnicity as a percentage of cases appointed involving a defendant of that race or ethnicity 

  1. Total number of active cases appointed counsel 
  2. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a White defendant 
  3. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a Black defendant 
  4. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a Hispanic/Latino defendant 
  5. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving an American Indian or Alaska Native defendant 
  6. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander defendant 
  7. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a defendant of another (please specify), multiple, or unknown race or ethnicity, including those of multiple races or ethnicities 
  8. Total number of active cases disposed 
  9. Number of cases disposed involving a White defendant 
  10. Number of cases disposed involving a Black defendant 
  11. Number of cases disposed involving a Hispanic/Latino defendant 
  12. Number of cases disposed involving an American Indian or Alaska Native defendant 
  13. Number of cases disposed involving a Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander defendant 
  14. Number of cases disposed involving a defendant of another (please specify), multiple, or unknown race or ethnicity, including those of multiple races or ethnicities 

Agency Customization: How does the office/program define and record race or ethnicity? 

5.2 Cases Disposed by Gender number of cases disposed involving a defendant of a certain gender as a percentage of cases appointed involving a defendant of that gender 

  1. Total number of active cases appointed counsel 
  2. Total number of active cases disposed 
  3. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a male defendant 
  4. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a female defendant 
  5. Number of active cases appointed counsel involving a defendant of another (please specify), or unknown gender
  6. Number of active cases disposed involving a male defendant 
  7. Number of active cases disposed involving a female defendant 
  8. Number of active cases disposed involving a defendant of another (please specify), or unknown gender 

Agency Customization: How does the office/program define and record gender?

6.2 Client Complaints against Counsel Sustained number of complaints filed against attorneys in the office/program that are sustained 

  1. Number of complaints filed and sustained 

Agency Customization: How does the office/program define complaint and sustained?