Community Supervision

Community supervision usually encompasses probation and parole and is overseen by state and local governments.

People serving on community supervision are subject to any number of conditions imposed by the state. To improve decision-making, data efforts may focus on felony and misdemeanor placements to parole and probation, caseload management, reasons for revocation, and staffing allocations for managing people on supervision.

Get to know the Community Supervision metrics



1.1 Annual Budget amount of annual budget of the supervision agency 

  1. Total supervision agency budget (in dollars) 

Agency Customization: How does the agency define the fiscal year? 

1.2 Total Staff number of full-time staff employed by the agency that support supervision functions 

  1. Total number of full-time staff 
  2. Optional: Number of full-time supervision staff 
  3. Optional: Number of full-time support staff 
  4. Optional: Number of full-time staff of another (please specify) type 
  5. Optional: Number of full-time staff of unknown type 

1.1 Annual Budget amount of annual budget of the supervision agency 

  1. Total supervision agency budget (in dollars) 

Agency Customization: How does the agency define the fiscal year? 

1.2 Total Staff number of full-time staff employed by the agency that support supervision functions 

  1. Total number of full-time staff 
  2. Optional: Number of full-time supervision staff 
  3. Optional: Number of full-time support staff 
  4. Optional: Number of full-time staff of another (please specify) type 
  5. Optional: Number of full-time staff of unknown type 

2.1 New Supervision Cases number of new cases referred to the agency for supervision 

  1. Total number of new supervision cases 
  2. Optional: Number of active supervision cases 
  3. Optional: Number of inactive supervision cases 
  4. Optional: Number of unknown or other supervision type cases 

Agency Customization: How does the agency define a case? 

2.2 Individuals under Supervision number of individuals under supervision at point in time count 

  1. Total number of individuals under supervision 
  2. Optional: Number of individuals under active supervision 
  3. Optional: Number of individuals under inactive supervision 
  4. Optional: Number of individuals on absconder status 
  5. Optional: Number of individuals under an unknown or other (please specify) supervision type 

2.3 Supervision Terminations number of individuals exiting supervision 

  1. Total number of individuals exiting supervision 
  2. Number of individuals exiting supervision successfully 
  3. Number of individuals exiting supervision unsuccessfully 
  4. Number of individuals exiting supervision by another (please specify) type 
  5. Number of individuals exiting supervision with unknown termination type 

Agency Customization: How does the agency define exiting supervision successfully and exiting supervision unsuccessfully? 

3.1 Supervision Violations number of individuals with at least one violation during the previous calendar month 

  1. Total number of individuals under supervision with at least one violation 
  2. Number of individuals with a technical violation 
  3. Number of individuals with a new offense violation 
  4. Number of individuals with an unknown or other (please specify) violation type 

Agency Customization: How does the agency define technical violation versus new offense violation? 

4.1 Reconviction While under Supervision number of individuals convicted of a new offense while under supervision during the previous calendar year 

  1. Total number of individuals convicted of a new offense while under supervision 
  2. Optional: Number of individuals convicted of a new violent offense 
  3. Optional: Number of individuals convicted of a new property offense 
  4. Optional: Number of individuals convicted of a new drug offense 
  5. Optional: Number of individuals convicted of a new offense of another (please specify) type 
  6. Optional: Number of individuals convicted of a new offense of unknown type 

Agency Customization: Does your state allow revocation for a new offense prior to conviction for that offense? How does your agency receive information about new convictions? 

5.1 Individuals under Supervision by Race or Ethnicity number of individuals under supervision of a certain race or ethnicity at a point in time count 

  1. Total number of individuals under supervision 
  2. Number of White individuals under supervision 
  3. Number of Black individuals under supervision 
  4. Number of Hispanic/Latino individuals under supervision 
  5. Number of Asian individuals under supervision 
  6. Number of American Indian or Alaska Native individuals under supervision 
  7. Number of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander individuals under supervision 
  8. Number of individuals of another, multiple, or other race or ethnicity under supervision, including those of multiple races or ethnicities 

Agency Customization: How does the agency define and record race or ethnicity? 

5.2 Individuals under Supervision by Gender number of individuals of a certain gender under supervision at a point in time count 

  1. Total number of individuals under supervision 
  2. Number of men under supervision 
  3. Number of women under supervision 
  4. Number of individuals of another (please specify), or unknown gender

Agency Customization: How does the agency define and record gender? 

There is not a Fairness metric for Community Supervision.