Tier 2 Metrics

The CSG Justice Center and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) invited the public and governmental entities to provide feedback on proposed Tier 2 Metrics, which will help us assess the impact of these metrics and better understand potential challenges and opportunities with implementing them.


In May 2022, Justice Counts released the first tier of community-driven cross-system criminal justice metrics. Created by experts in the field, for experts in the field, these metrics empower criminal justice agencies to tell their stories and enable decision-makers to make informed, impactful decisions about public safety.

Overview of the Public Feedback Process

It is critical to ensure an inclusive process in developing the Justice Counts metrics. Here is how the process will work.

  1. Justice Counts engaged in a collaborative process with experts across the field to propose an initial slate of metrics.
  2. Those metrics were presented for public feedback for 30 days, beginning 9 a.m. ET on Monday May 13, 2024, and concluding at 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. To learn more about this process, watch the Information Session on this page.
  3. All feedback submitted will be analyzed by Justice Counts staff and presented to the Justice Counts Metrics Committees. Feedback that you submit in response to this notice are a matter of public record. We will include, or summarize, each comment in our request to BJA and the National Steering Committee to approve this slate of Tier 2 Metrics.
  4. Metrics Committees will review the feedback and decide whether it will be incorporated into the metrics.
  5. Metrics Committees will propose a final slate for ratification.
  6. The National Steering Committee and BJA will ratify the final slate.