Participation in Iowa
In October 2022, the Iowa Justice Advisory Board submitted a letter to the Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, requesting intensive technical assistance to implement Justice Counts in Iowa. As stated in its request, the Justice Advisory Board hopes to use Justice Counts to create “a platform to help gather, organize, and present data and information from across our currently siloed systems.”
Hover over any dot to learn more about the participating agency.
What Leaders in Iowa Are Saying
“The Iowa DOC signed on to be a Justice Counts state because we firmly believe that interstate collaboration and shared analytics can improve the operations of Corrections. We also see how disjointed reporting can be between states and would like to cross compare our metrics with similarly situated states on an even playing field using the same and consistent definitions. “I hope to be able to truly see the ways in which Iowa measures up to other states. See what we are doing well, not doing well, etc. This will help us better identify our own strategic priorities and where we need to focus based on performance measured consistently.”
Sarah Fineran, Research Director, Iowa Department of Corrections
“Justice Counts is a good way to supplement what we are already doing to get information out to the public we serve. We regularly publish our data for our citizens, but Justice Counts may help us reach a broader audience. We hope to get more information to our citizens. Transparency in data will help the public understand what we are doing and how we are doing it. Hopefully it will also lead to meaningful conversations.”
Geoff Huff, Chief of Police, Ames, Iowa
Are you with an agency in Iowa interested in participating in Justice Counts? The Justice Counts team is actively engaging agencies in your state. Book a short call with the team today to learn more and get started!
Iowa Justice Counts Data
Coming soon!
Please notify me when Iowa data becomes available.