Safety and Justice Deserve Better Data.

Justice Counts is a consensus-building initiative of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance led by The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center and an unprecedented coalition of 21 partner organizations representing wide-ranging expertise across the criminal justice field. Hear directly from the coalition why Justice Counts is the bold pathway we need to a stronger information infrastructure for the justice system.

Justice Counts Metrics

Introducing new, consensus-driven metrics for criminal justice data. Visit the Metrics page to learn more.

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Statement of Support

We believe that safety and justice deserve better data. An essential step in realizing this goal is the adoption of criminal justice metrics that provide timely, consistent data to policymakers and their communities. Consensus-driven metrics that account for variation in data collection, analysis, and reporting and that provide key insights on system trends, operations, and outcomes across all criminal justice sectors are a new and crucial resource for the field. We believe that, together, we can make Justice Count.